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Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts

It can be helpful to create keyboard shortcuts for UI actions, particularly if the shortcut takes less work than tabbing with the keyboard to get the page into a certain state.

Examples of built-in keyboard shortcuts include:

  • Cmd+F for Find
  • Cmd+P for Print
  • Cmd+A for Select All

You can create custom keyboard shortcuts! There are a couple of libraries that could make this easier, since the managing multiple keys at a time (say, meta characters and certain alpha keys) takes some work.

Two libraries you could check out are:

Making shortcuts discoverable

Your coolest shortcuts are pretty worthless if users can’t find them. Be sure to document your keyboard shortcuts and other tips in easily-discoverable documentation.

If you have help docs, accessibility docs (or an accessibility statement), a help widget, or anything else users might reach to for help, include information about keyboard shortcuts.

Watch out for conflicts with screen reader commands

Particularly on Windows, common key commands are already in use in screen readers. For example, both NVDA and JAWS will cycle through headings using the H key. Depending on the screen reader mode (opens in a new tab), your keyboard shortcut could at best, not work and at worst, conflict with an important screen reader command.