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Exercise 2 - Website Debugging

Website Accessibility Debugging Exercise

Let’s debug some webpages! Play with the steps and tools outlined in the Getting Started section.

For reference and a starting point, here are my top accessibility debugging steps:

  1. Test with the keyboard. Can you reach, operate, and see every focused interactive control?
  2. Use browser DevTools and extensions. Chrome Axe and Accessibility inspector are my faves.
  3. Zoom in to at least 200% (and larger) to test reflow.
  4. Fire up a screen reader and follow a cheat sheet.
  5. Test visual characteristics like motion and color contrast.
  6. Make note of any missing transcripts, captions, and other alternative content.
SoundCloud test run with Axe for Chrome

Try these sites

Here are some suggested sites for debugging, with various stages of accessibility success: